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5 Sep 2023

Ten Point O’s 10th Annual Upside of Downs Invitati

Event date: 12/15/2023 Add to your calendar

Sport:  Gymnastics
Event Type: 
Invitational/ Tournament/ Meet
Dec 16-17, 2023
License No: 
Allison Marie Fenik
Ten Point O Gymnastics

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Event Groups:

Gender Age/Grade Event Start Date Event End Date
Both Youth Level 1 Dec 16, 2023 Dec 17, 2023
Female Youth Level 2 Dec 16, 2023 Dec 17, 2023
Both Youth Level 2 Dec 16, 2023 Dec 17, 2023
Both Youth Level 3 Dec 16, 2023 Dec 17, 2023
Female Youth Level 3 Dec 16, 2023 Dec 17, 2023
Both Youth Level 4 Dec 16, 2023 Dec 17, 2023
Both Youth Level 5 Dec 16, 2023 Dec 17, 2023
Both Youth Level 6 Dec 16, 2023 Dec 17, 2023
Both Youth Level 7 Dec 16, 2023 Dec 17, 2023
Both Youth Level 8 Dec 16, 2023 Dec 17, 2023
Both Youth Level 9 Dec 16, 2023 Dec 17, 2023
Both Youth Level 10 Dec 16, 2023 Dec 17, 2023
Both Youth Open Optional Dec 16, 2023 Dec 17, 2023
Both Youth Copper Dec 16, 2023 Dec 17, 2023
Female Youth Bronze Dec 16, 2023 Dec 17, 2023
Both Youth Bronze Dec 16, 2023 Dec 17, 2023
Both Youth Silver Dec 16, 2023 Dec 17, 2023
Female Youth Silver Dec 16, 2023 Dec 17, 2023
Female Youth Gold Dec 16, 2023 Dec 17, 2023
Both Youth Gold Dec 16, 2023 Dec 17, 2023
Both Youth Platinum Dec 16, 2023 Dec 17, 2023
Female Youth Platinum Dec 16, 2023 Dec 17, 2023
Female Youth Diamond Dec 16, 2023 Dec 17, 2023
Both Youth Diamond Dec 16, 2023 Dec 17, 2023
Both Youth Coed Dec 16, 2023 Dec 17, 2023
Both Youth Special Stars Dec 16, 2023 Dec 17, 2023
Both Youth Boys 4X4 Dec 16, 2023 Dec 17, 2023

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